Over the past few months, Google Product Search has released some great new features for both shoppers and merchants. Heading into the holiday season, we want to make sure our merchants have all the information needed to maximize the impact of data feeds. Here's a checklist to make sure you're set for the holidays.Submit all recommended and optional attributes, wherever they're relevant: Help shoppers make the best decisions by providing them with as much information as possible. For example, make sure you're submitting the UPC, Brand, and Product Type attributes.Use the Google Local Business Center to provide local store locations: Google Product Search is now showing local store locations in our search results, so make sure your clients are sending us this data. Also, if they do have local stores, make sure to include the "online only" attribute in the Product Search feed for any items they don't stock in stores.Send your clients' largest and highest-quality images: We're planning on experimenting with displays that use large images; products that have big, high-quality images will stand out. Please send us images that are at least 300x300 pixels, without resizing them. Track your traffic: Use Google Analytics or your favorite web analytics program to track your traffic.For additional information, visit our site for merchants. You may also follow us on the Google Merchant Blog.