To kick off the New Year, we're pleased to bring you the next installment in the Think[Industry] webinar series; this webinar will highlight new Google and Compete research on the role the online channel plays in cruise bookers' shopping processes.

On Tuesday, January 19, 2010, Google and Compete will present results from their study into how shoppers research and book cruises, as well as when and how cruisers use search as part of their online travel research, using in-depth online behavioral analysis and data from a recent survey of online cruise shoppers.

The webinar will cover:
  • Which offline and online resources shoppers use in their cruise research process
  • How much online content cruise shoppers consume before booking
  • How search impacts likelihood to book
  • How queries evolve as shoppers move closer to booking
  • How search engine usage intensifies when shoppers are ready to book
Date: Tuesday, January 19th at 10amPST / 12pmCST / 1pmEST
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